Friday, October 9, 2009

"Fricassee de Poulet A L'Ancienne" aka: "Old Fashioned Chicken Fricassee with Wine-flavored Cream sauce, Onions, and Mushrooms"

This is a recipe I found in Julia Child's book, "Mastering the Art of French Cooking." Yes, after seeing the movie, "Julie and Julia," I had to go get one at Costco. I know most guys probably didn't get into the movie like I did, but I'm a blogger and Julie was a blogger, and I like good food and Julia knew how to prepare some damn good food. They both had me with the purchase of the ticket.

The problem with this one though is this: the recipe is long and involved; so long and involved that it took the two of us about 2 - 2 1/2 hours to complete. I don't know how anyone could make this dish alone. Two hands are not enough.

Maybe someday I'll post the recipe here; but in the mean time, if you're interested you can google it and get some pretty close renditions out there in cyberspace. I looked, most of them leave out the preparation of the wine-flavored cream sauce, onions, and mushrooms.

And, by the way, this meal was TERRIFIC!!

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