Monday, September 28, 2009

"Cilantro Based Salmon Paste"

This last Sunday we had our kids and grandkids over for Honey-Ginger Grilled Salmon . We hadn't had it a while, so I thought it might be a treat, and it was.

One reason is that I found a salmon paste to dab on bite size pieces and it was highly received. I wasn't sure how it would go since it one primary ingredient is "olive oil, or some other type of flavorful oil that complements your recipe." I used extra-virgin oil.


1 1/2 C fresh cilantro (lightly chopped)
10 - 12 garlic cloves
1 tsp salt
3/4 C oil (olive oil, or some other type of favorful oil that complements your recipe.


In a food processor, combine the cilantro and salt. Process until the cilantro is finely chopped. Add the oil in a slow stream, mixing thoroughly. The paste should be refrigerated and used within a day or two.

I also added a teaspoon of lime juice.

At first, it had a highly "oily" taste, but after spending a couple hours in the refrigerator, it was tasty and aded a nice flavor to the fish. This paste "made the grade," and will be prepared any time we eat salmon in the future.

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